Welcome to the first What's Happening blog on our new website.
Paperbelle is en route to China as I write, on tour in Chengdu and Kunshan with the lovely Artspace for Kids. We have been invited back after a successful six-week tour in Shanghai and Beijing in 2016.
Our other early years shows Robin and Too Many Penguins? had sell out Christmas outings at Dundee Rep and Edinburgh Festival Theatre Studio. We were over the moon to launch a Too Many Penguins? Picture book – now available to buy through the shop.
We are really excited that 2017 will see a further development of NESTS by Xana Marwick following a rehearsed reading at the Imaginate Festival in 2016.
I will soon be back in the rehearsal room hosting a mini-residency in Moray, in partnership with Findhorn Bay Arts, working with young people from the area.
All to do! All to do! – Better go and do it then...!
Watch this space for company developments and news!
Artistic Director